"Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, "This is the way, walk in it." Isaiah 30:21

Sunday, July 19, 2015

What is everyone staring at?

Dan here...  It has been awhile since I have posted a blog.  This past week, I was asked by the Kapsowar Theology School to come and teach….a computer class.  All of the students were about 30 - 35 years old.  Most of them have had very little experience working with computers especially the internet.  Of the 10 students, only one had an email address.  This would be almost unheard of for someone back home to not have their own personal email address, let alone someone in their 30’s.  Kapsowar is definitely a different place from America in terms of technology.  Most people here do not have internet, they have never done a Google search, and they have never seen or heard of Facebook or YouTube.  These are things that we take for granted in America.  They are part of our weekly if not daily lives.   

Everyone in the picture at the top of this post is staring at my laptop screen.  They were all huddled around the computer watching as each person took a turn to setup an email address for the very first time.  This is how I spent most of my first day of class, helping my students setup an email address.  I then showed them how to use email.  I helped them setup email accounts on Gmail and we practiced sending emails back and forth to each other.  For most, it was the first time in their life to have ever sent an email.  I then moved on to showing them how to do a Google search.  They seemed amazed at the amount of information that they could find about any topic in the world so quickly.  One of their searches brought up a YouTube clip.  This pretty much ended the class.  They were so enthralled with what they could find on YouTube.  While all of them have seen TV before, they probably do not own a TV.  YouTube has opened a whole new world.  They suddenly began to realize they could use the internet to help find information for their sermons and theology classes.   

On a different note, the medical director and I went down to one of our sister hospitals in Kijabe last week.  Kijabe hospital is much larger than Kapsowar, and they are looking to pilot an EMR system in a smaller hospital.  The meeting went well, and we plan to partner with Kijabe to implement an EMR system here in Kapsowar.  We are working on trying to find servers, pc’s, and networking equipment.  Assuming we can get the equipment we need, we plan to install EMR in the next month or so.  Once it is installed, I will be training a whole new group of Kenyan’s how to use a computer for the very first time.