"Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, "This is the way, walk in it." Isaiah 30:21

Saturday, December 5, 2015


Kristen here…

With the exiting of summer season and the entering of the Christmas one there have been some cases at the hospital that have left my heart soaring as I walk home from work at the end of the day.  The stories of the two patients I am going to share with you actually come on the coattails of the last blog I posted.  The mother I blogged about that had lost her baby, let’s call her Grace, had a great deal of influence on these patients.  Her influence started a chain reaction that resulted in, what I believe is the preservation of two lives that would otherwise not be here today.  God is so good.

Grace had gone through a harrowing emergency c-section of her premature baby.  When she had come into the clinic that day her blood pressure was so high she was in danger of having a stroke.  She was already on the max doses of oral blood pressure medication that we could give her and wasn’t responding to our IV drugs.  Her baby showed signs of imminent death and in a last ditch effort to save this precious life we did an emergency delivery.  The following day it was proved to us that despite all of this, God wanted this baby home as we watched her slip away. 

I had a heavy heart as I was seeing patients that day in clinic.  That had not been the outcome I had hoped or prayed for.  It was devastating.  It was these thoughts that rolled around in my head when Monica walked into my office.  She looked tired and sick.  She was in her second trimester, but clearly this pregnancy was taking its toll on her thin frame. 

Here, the appearance of a person often gives you some insight into their standard of living and occupation.  Monica’s cheek and collar bones stuck out from beneath her skin in a way that most movie stars back home spend hours at the gym to obtain. Her legs were long and slender, and her worn dress hung loosely on her thin shoulders.  This was not the work of a well- used gym membership.  This was the result of hours upon hours spent in the fields tending her farm –tilling the rows of crops by hand, hauling water manually from the river to do wash, carrying a load of firewood on her back every evening from the forest so heavy that she would be bent over double due to the weight.  The cooking and cleaning and tending of her children would also be her responsibility.  Her hair was “natural,” meaning not braided or decorated, another sign of little money.  This woman knew hard work, this woman’s daily struggle was for basic survival.  Here, it is the women that do all of the farming.  They are the ones that work the soil, plant, weed, and harvest.  They are the ones that collect firewood and water.  They are the ones that keep that house running and the kids in order.  They are the ones that do the manual labor.

I started looking through the records she had brought with her and I could feel my eyes get large and my heart start to race.  High blood pressure.  Really high blood pressure.  Not again.  Hadn’t I just had this problem yesterday and the outcome was heart breaking?  What was I going to do?

I started talking to Monica and discussing her critical condition.  I told her I wanted to admit her to the hospital because she was very sick and I needed to get her blood pressure down right away.  She looked at me skeptically.  “I wasn’t prepared to stay here.  Let me go home and prepare things and then come back.”  I knew if I let her go I might never see her again and “preparing things” would mean working overtime to get things ready on the farm and with her children to be gone for a few days.

“No,” I said. “You can’t go. I am very concerned about you and this baby. I need to admit you to the hospital.” 

She looked at me with a frown. “How long will I have to be here?”

“I don’t know.” Given the look of this patient, I knew that she would not go home and rest if I ever discharged her from the hospital.  Her baby was too small and young to deliver safely if I needed to.  I had hoped to keep her in the hospital for the rest of her pregnancy, but I knew that was wishing upon a star.

“I can only stay a few days.  I have children at home and I need to harvest my maize.”  I considered that a consent for admission and quickly got the paperwork completed and IV lines started to bring down her blood pressure.  I wasn’t sure what I was going to do beyond a few days, but I would take it one moment at a time.  The type of physical labor that this woman endures every day would surely make her blood pressure skyrocket out of control despite my best efforts and force the events of yesterday to repeat themselves all over again. 

Her blood pressure slowly started to return to the normal range.  I placed her on the max dose of medications available with a heavy sigh.  I had nothing left if the situation worsened which I knew it would in a few days when I sent her home. 

The following day I was going one by one through the patients on rounds.  I saw Grace and reviewed her labs and vitals.  I cried with her over the loss of her baby.  She was still having some medical problems and would need to remain in the hospital for a few more days.  After finishing with Grace I pulled out the next chart and looked up suddenly.  The patient in the next bed over was Monica.  I wondered how Grace felt about this.  Someone in a very similar situation to her, still pregnant, still with a live baby, laying in a bed so close to hers you could reach out your arm and touch the patient next to you.  I walked over to Monica and began going over her labs and vitals.  She was barely being managed on her current medications and beyond this I didn’t have anything else to offer. 

“Monica,” I said. “Your blood pressure is still not very good and from the ultrasound I did yesterday I am worried that your baby is too small to survive if we have to deliver you early.  I really would like to keep you in the hospital for a while, maybe even for the rest of your pregnancy to insure that you rest.  I want to give this baby the best chance at life that I can.”  I was sure I would be hit with resistance.

Surprisingly, though she looked up at me and smiled.  “I know.  Grace and I have talked.  She told me her story.  I will stay for as long as you think I should.”  My jaw dropped.  What a transformation from the steel gaze and stubborn determination I saw yesterday.  That was one battle I wasn’t expecting to win, but I was so grateful she agreed to stay.  At least in the hospital she could rest and be relieved of her physical duties back home.  This would give her the best chance at staying pregnant the longest.  She didn’t have a plan, there wasn’t anyone to look after her farm back home.  She didn’t have money to pay for a huge hospital bill.  She would likely lose this season’s crops.  The stakes were high, but she chose her child, she chose life and I can only contribute that to the long, midnight conversations that she and Grace must have had.  The prompting of one childless mother caused a reprioritization of this pregnancy over all the other pressures pulling at Monica’s attention.   It was God that placed these two women next to each other.  It was not the compassionate thing to do in my eyes, but it was the right thing to do to change the course of events for this patient and her baby.

Over a month went by and Monica remained with us in the hospital.  Day in and day out she patiently rested and did everything I asked of her.  We watched this baby grow and gain weight on ultrasound. Each day was a victory and a gift.  Eventually, it became clear that it was time to deliver.  The baby had grown well and would do fine.  I was so incredibly thankful that day for Grace’s input and influence on Monica.  It changed everything for her.

Monica and her beautiful baby
While Monica was recovering from her delivery over the next couple of days with her baby at the bedside another patient walk into my clinic.  Lillian, had legs the size of tree trunks and a headache that was incapacitating.  After going through her history it became clear that she had a blood pressure problem as well.  Untreated chronic hypertension in pregnancy can be a death wish.  I discussed with Lilian how concerned I was for her and that she needed to be admitted to the hospital.  She hesitated.  She was a teacher and needed to leave to organize time off from teaching.  “Give me a few days.  Just let me get your blood pressure under control and then we can talk about what to do from there,” I pleaded. 

After some prompting she agreed to stay, but only for a few days.  At least that was something.  I would take whatever she would give me.  Over the next 6 hours it became clear that we were perilously close to needing to take drastic measures.  I maxed her out on medication and prayed that would hold her through the night. Ultrasound told me if we delivered her now the outcome would be much like that of Grace.  A nightmare none of us wanted to relive. 

I walked in the following morning and grabbed Lilian’s chart.  Her blood pressure had remained where I needed it to be!  The medication had worked.  I walked over to her bed and stopped short as I realized where the nurses had placed her.  She was in the bed next to Monica. 

Lilian looked up at me and smiled.  Pointing to Monica, “She told me about her pregnancy and her problems.  She told me how she stayed in the hospital and how now her baby is fine.  I can be patient.  I will stay here for as long as you need.”

I smiled and was relieved.  The upward battle to saving this baby didn’t look so steep any more.  It was over a month later that Lilian delivered a beautiful baby girl. Both went home healthy and full of life.

Lilian after delivery
 Grace suffered so much during her time at Kapsowar Hospital, but her presence here was not a mistake.  She left with heartache, but it was this heartache that gave life to these two babies.  I don’t know if I will ever see her again, but overtime it was the sorrow of her story that brought joy to these two women and to my heart as well.  An incredible lady with an incredible legacy.  I am so thankful that God brought her to Kapsowar.
*Pictures and stories shared with permission by the patients