"Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, "This is the way, walk in it." Isaiah 30:21

Monday, August 13, 2012

My Love Story

As a junior high student a sudden, dramatic turn of events left me on my knees, tears streaming down my face, asking... no, longing for the confirmation that there was indeed a God.  By the grace of my Lord that answer came quickly and it was from that moment on that my view of who I am in light of who God is rendered me with no other choice, no other desire than to serve Him with all of my heart.  That has been my quest ever since that truly life changing moment.  It has been and continues to be a long, exciting, challenging and incredibly rewarding journey.  Shortly after that time I felt drawn to missions.  That sense, that longing to serve the poor overseas through the love of our Lord has never left me.  The decision to go into medicine came much later.  Achieving this in all reality had very little to do with my own abilities and much more to do with God's prompting, pushing and paving the way for me. 

To this day I look back at that whole process in wonder at how it all came together.  Miracle after miracle has placed me where I am now, in residency as an OBGYN physician. I praise God for this.    Residency certainly isn't easy, but often when I am exhausted and driving home after a 24 hour shift I find myself so thankful that I have the opportunity to be trained in a profession that I love and in a program that I cannot speak more highly about. 

The life of a resident produces it's own set of unique challenges.  Some of these I was prepared for and some I most definitely was not.  As I have wrestled through these challenges, a verse from one of my favorite hymns "Be Thou My Vision" has become a constant reminder of where my focus needs to lie. 

"Riches I heed not, nor man's empty praise. 
Thou mine inheritance now and always
Thou and thou only first in my heart
High King of Heaven, my treasure thou art"

I went into medicine with the desire to serve the Lord overseas.  That desire has never wavered.  The day to day grind of a demanding residency program can threaten to be overwhelming.  I have returned time and time again to the words of this verse to set my priorities straight, clear my head and remind myself of whom I serve and why I am doing this.  When I decided years ago to serve the Lord with my whole heart I knew that would entail dedicating everything to Him.  I promised to go wherever and do whatever He asked me to.  This is what coined the name of the address for this site "To go wherever."  There is nothing that brings me greater pleasure than this.  I am so in love.  I am in love with my Lord and Savior and it is with pure joy that I get to serve Him.  The final words of "Be Thou My Vision" are so fitting. 

"Heart of my own Heart, whatever befall,
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all."

I pray as this adventure continues that I will see and follow nothing else.    

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