"Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, "This is the way, walk in it." Isaiah 30:21

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Togo Culture

Different cultures and customs has always been very interesting to me.  What offends one person may be completely commonplace and acceptable to another by happenstance of geography and the setting in which one was raised.  As I have been preparing to leave for Togo in less than three weeks I have been reading up on some of the cultural norms that I should be aware of before I arrive.  Here are a few that I thought were most interesting.

Clothing: Women must wear skirts that cover their knees.  This is starting to change, however, for a long time only prostitutes wore pants and there still is an underlying association.

Handedness: The left hand is considered unclean and should not be used to give or take anything unless there is no other option.  I wonder how that works in the OR when I am standing on the left side of the table and having the scrub tech pass instruments to me?

Posture: Women crossing their legs is a sign of arrogance.  She is essentially saying she thinks she is important.  This shows authority and independence equal to that of a man. Standing with your hands in your pockets or on your hips is a sign of disrespect when talking to another individual.  This one is going to be a challenge for me.

In public: Sneezing and coughing, especially loudly is not polite.

Entertaining: When a Togolese person invites you over to their house they will offer for you to sit in the best seat in their home.  This invitation should be accepted.  When it is time for you to go, you must ask permission to leave before standing up. 

Just some interesting thoughts to keep in mind as I am preparing myself to go.

1 comment:

  1. This and your very first blog are among my favorites of all of your blogs so far. I found the cultural differences fascinating. No hands in your pockets!
    Love you bunches,
