I have taken a couple of days to blog about this as I gather my thoughts and work to try to reign in my emotions. Dan and I received a phone call on Tuesday that made my heart sink. The buyers for our home backed out. It is incredible how much that one sentence feels like a ton of bricks sitting on our shoulders. Tons of prayer had gone into the selling of our home, prayer by many of you that read this blog. Our home had sold incredibly quickly and everything was falling into place for our September 8th departure. Our plane tickets had been bought, the travel arrangements made and we were in full swing of getting things ready to move overseas. Ufff....now what?
It is sort of ironic that the thought of not being homeless makes me want to cry. As I sit here and think over these things it is hard not to be angry or frustrated. One of our speakers this past week at our Samaritan's Purse orientation was talking about different cultural frustrations when working overseas. She defined frustration as, "the feeling that results from not getting our way." This is sort of funny and also sort of humbling. As I thought about her words more I could not think of an instance of frustration where this definition did not apply. It sure doesn't put the emotion of frustration in a very good light. It makes it sound like a little kid throwing themselves on the ground screaming because someone took away their crayons. It is almost like frustration is an adult version of a temper tantrum.
Needless to say, I have had a hard time not having an adult temper tantrum over the last few days. Dan and I have prayed about it, talked with our realtor and have decided to put our house back on the market. We are continuing to pray and ask for prayer from all of you regarding this. We are hoping for a miracle, to sell our home quickly once again. I truly believe that God was apart of our first home buyer process and will provide again. It is so hard, however, to sit and wait while putting the future on hold. I know that there is reason in this even if we can't see it in the moment. One of our speakers last week made a comment, "Our God is the God of our tomorrows before we even get there." Those words have echoed through my head over and over again as we take a step back, take a deep breath and wait to see how the Lord provides. Thank you for walking with us through this process, for praying and for continuing to encourage us in this journey.
Sounds like an incredible conference. God IS large and in charge. We love you.