Kristen here....
My time at the hospital started a day earlier than expected. A young girl with a placenta accreta came through the door on Thursday and I was asked to evaluate her. Placenta accrete is when something goes wrong during a pregnancy and the placenta grows into the wall of the uterus. When this happens the placenta never comes out causing lots of bleeding, pain and even infection. Often a woman will continue to hemorrhage until the placenta is removed which is usually done by hysterectomy. This patient had delivered several weeks ago somewhere and had significant bleeding since that time requiring blood transfusions. I evaluated her in the OR and tried to remove the placenta without success. At that point it became clear that the safest thing for her would be a hysterectomy. This broke my heart. She was only 17 years old. I had talked to her about this possibility beforehand and had so hoped that it wouldn't come to this. I am thankful that the surgery went well and the patient is recovering nicely. I am thankful that she has one child, a boy. This will make the scar of losing her ability to have children a little less painful. When I talked to the patient the next day I was in awe of her attitude. She wasn't angry, or upset, or sad or any of the emotions I expected her to have. She was simply thankful. Her inability to have any future children will significantly impact her standing in society. She knows this, but her attitude has been unwavering.
My second day at the hospital involved another hysterectomy. This one was for an older patient who had multiple fibroids. When she came to the clinic for me to examine her I didn’t even bother to get out the ultrasound. You could see the fibroids through her abdomen. This was going to be a more challenging case than the surgery from the day before. I was a little nervous as we started and there was a lot of prayer that went into the first incision. Things went well and she is recovering wonderfully. I am so thankful. It is amazing the type of pain tolerance the patients have here. We really don’t have a lot in the way of narcotics. After surgery the patients get the equivalent of oral Tylenol and ibuprofen. With a vertical incision on my latest patient I was really worried about how she would do with this type of pain control. She seems completely un-phased by this. She is up and walking around and not even wincing when she gets out of bed. I am amazed. Back home patients are often hooked up to a PCA and given an IV drip of narcotic pain medication for the first 24 hours and then oral narcotics for weeks afterwards. I wonder what the difference is…..genetic, difference in lifestyle, expectations? I am not sure, but there is definitely a pain tolerance difference.
Well two days of work and two hysterectomies done. I wonder what this next week will hold.
I thought I would post this picture from the hospital. This is one of the signs posted on the grounds. It gives the prices for common procedures and treatments. This is not a free hospital, but it is significantly less expensive than any other facility even remotely close to this area. These prices are a stretch for patients to pay for, but they don’t hold a candle to the cost of health care back home.
I am not sure if you will be able to read this but translating the prices into US dollars you will pay somewhere between $50-250 dollars for major surgery (aka like the hysterectomies I did this last week). A prenatal visit for pregnant women is $2 US. An ultrasound is $6 dollars. If you break your arm and need a cast it will cost somewhere between $1 and $20 in US dollars. When the average person makes less than $3 US dollars a day in the area it is not uncommon for people to be unable to pay their hospital bills. The problem is that the cost of suture, sterilizing equipment and laboratory supplies still needs to be covered. We try to get as many donated supplies as possible and none of the missionary physicians are paid by the hospital which makes the cost significantly less than other places. Still, the seemingly staggering prices can be overwhelming. It does make me think twice sometimes before ordering "routine" labs that I would have normally ordered out of habit back home. The bovies we use in the OR are recycled with each case and our surgical gowns are all cloth that can be washed, sterilized and reused again. There is a fine line between providing affordable care without compromising the quality. I am sure that I will learn more about this struggle in the coming weeks. It is amazing, however, how much can be done with so little.