"Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, "This is the way, walk in it." Isaiah 30:21

Saturday, November 15, 2014


We closed on our home yesterday!  This was the answer to a lot of prayers.  God has been so faithful.  It was an emotional time as this was the first home for Dan and me as a married couple.  It is also Dan’s first home and the place where he has lived for over a decade.  Lots of memories are in that house.  

It was a whirlwind to move the remaining things in our home and put the finishing touches on our packing.  I am so thankful for the help of my in-laws yesterday as we packed up the last of our things and cleaned up before leaving our home for the last time.  We could not have done this without them.  As we were weighing and reweighing our luggage to make sure that it met airline requirements I think we probably repacked everything 4 times.  How does a person choose between bringing their tennis shoes or their contact solution?

The next few days before we leave will be spent tying up loose ends and spending some very treasured time with family.  I am so thankful that my parents are flying out to spend these last few days with us.  It will be wonderful to see them.  We appreciate your continued prayers through this time of transition.  We are excited to get to Kenya and get settled into our new life after so much change.

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